Tools / BS Exporter for Blender


Lights and Cameras


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Light naming conventions

The light object name (OB) (rather than the "LA" lamp name!) will be exported as the VRML/X3D definition (DEF).

See also:

Lights overview

All VRML/X3D light types are supported by the BS Exporter for Blender. To preview lighting in Blender, render a frame using Blender's internal renderer and turn shadows and ambient occlusion off. This will provide the best indication of what your scene will look like in BS Contact.

Each exported light type shares the following common properties:

Blender VRML/X3D
R, G, B (Color) color
Energy intensity
Amb R, G, B (World panel) ambientIntesity
Negative on

Properties specific to each different light type are outlined below.

Lamp (PointLight)

Use a simple Blender "Lamp" when you wish to export a VRML/X3D "PointLight".

Blender VRML/X3D
Distance radius
Loc X,Y,Z location
CalcAlpha transparent
Rot90 flips texture coordinates

Supported features for Lamp (PointLight) properties
Supported features for Lamp (PointLight) properties

Spot (SpotLight)

Blender "Spots" are exported as VRML/X3D "SpotLights".

Blender VRML/X3D
Distance radius
Loc X,Y,Z location
Rot X,Y,Z direction
SpotBl (spotlight beam) beamWidth
SpotSi (spotlight softness) cutOffAngle

Supported features for Spot (SpotLight) properties
Supported features for Spot (SpotLight) properties

Area, Hemi and Sun (DirectionalLight)

Blender's "Area", "Hemi" and "Sun" light types will be exported as VRML/X3D DirectionalLights.

Blender VRML/X3D
Rot X,Y,Z direction

Supported features for Area, Hemi and Sun (DirectionalLight) properties
Supported features for Area, Hemi and Sun (DirectionalLight) properties


The "headlight" in VRML/X3D is a light that always follows the viewer and is specified within the "NavigationInfo" node. If there are no lights at the Blender scene it will be exported as on, if a light is present it will be turned off.

Animating lights

The animation of light color and intensity is supported by the exporter. Animation keys for lights can be added by pressing "i" while the mouse is over the "Lamp Buttons" window. You can control your animations in the "IPO Curve Editor".

See also:

Camera naming conventions

The Blender object name (OB) is exported as the VRML/X3D defined name (DEF) and the Blender camera name (CA) becomes the description of the Viewpoint node.

See also:


Cameras will be exported as VRML/X3D Viewpoints with the following properties:


Activating "Limits" on the "Camera" panel displays an axis representing the visibility limit.

Properties supported for Viewpoints (cameras)
Properties supported for Viewpoints (cameras)

Using Blenders camera OB and CA Name for DEF/USE and the description of a Viewpoint
Using Blender's camera OB and CA names for DEF/USE and the description of a Viewpoint

Animating cameras

Cameras can be animated in "Object Mode" with Loc (translation) and Rot (rotation). Animation keys for cameras can be added by pressing the "i" in the "3D View" or using the auto keying feature of the "Timeline" window. You can control your animation in the "IPO Curve Editor".


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