BS Contact  –  Users Guide
The Graphics Menu

The Graphics menu allows the user to control the way and quality the VR scene is rendered.

It is available in the following user interface level:


Available menu entries:

A note for the interested reader:
The Vertices, WireFrame, Flat and Smooth modes visualize how computers work with 3D models: First there are a lot of dots/vertices (Vertex mode). They are connected to polygons (Wireframe mode). The polygones are filled with color (Flat mode). And finally, the colors are smoothed to make the shapes appear curved.


This turns the default lighting of a scene on and off. When activated, the VR scene is illuminated as if there would be a light source that always shines along the viewing direction. If a scene appears too bright or too dark, or if the objects appear flat, try switching the head light.


Sets BS Contact into wireframe rendering mode. This shows a grid consisting of lines connecting the vertices. Content authors can then see the polygons of a model, and thus in which detail they have been built. The lines are rendered with the colors they are given in the Scene. Please note that this mode is not implemented for the newer 2D nodes.


Sets BS Contact into vertices rendering mode. This shows only dots for each corner of a face. Content authors can then get an impression of the complexity of models. Please note that this mode is not implemented for the newer 2D nodes.


Sets BS Contact into flat rendering mode. This renders a scene as one would expect, but disables gouraud shading. Thus, faces are rendered as flat polygons.


Sets BS Contact into Smooth rendering mode. This is the normal rendering mode that gives the best quality for a scene. It's active after startup. The scene


Models in a VR scene are created by defining the geometry as a wireframe model and applying textures (photos or images) on them. This option allows to switch texturing on and off.

Smooth Textures:

When textures are applied to a model they are in effect scaled up or down. This makes pixelization visible or creates aliasing effects. Both are removed if Texture smoothing is activated.



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